Domain Details: is a premium one-word domain name available for $999 offering a distinctive and impactful online identity. With its evocative name and the “.app” extension, this domain is ideal for businesses and applications focused on innovation, change, and technology.

Use Cases:

  1. Genetics and Biotechnology: Utilize for a biotech company or genetics research organization. The domain’s name reflects a focus on genetic research, mutation studies, or biotechnology solutions, making it suitable for labs or scientific research platforms.
  2. Tech and Software Development: Position as a brand for a software development firm or tech startup specializing in innovative solutions. The term "mutation" implies transformation and evolution, aligning well with cutting-edge software or tech tools.
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Leverage for an AI or machine learning application. The domain name resonates with concepts of data transformation and algorithm evolution, making it ideal for platforms that focus on advanced AI technologies.
  4. Healthcare and Wellness: Develop a brand under for a healthcare or wellness app that emphasizes personal transformation or improvement. The domain’s name can be used to represent apps focused on genetic health, personalized medicine, or wellness programs.
  5. Creative and Design Tools: Use for a creative tool or design application that focuses on iterative processes and transformation. The domain name is well-suited for platforms that enable users to experiment and evolve their designs or projects.


  • SEO-Friendly: can be optimized for search engines with targeted keywords related to biotechnology, tech innovation, AI, and healthcare. The domain’s unique and relevant name helps attract targeted traffic and improve search engine rankings.
  • Highly Brandable: The domain’s memorable and distinctive name, combined with the “.app” extension, makes it highly brandable. “Mutation” conveys a sense of change and innovation, making it an attractive choice for a variety of tech and scientific applications.
  • Versatile Application: is adaptable to multiple industries, including biotechnology, software development, AI, and healthcare. Its flexibility ensures it can support diverse business models and technological advancements.
  • Professional and Modern: The domain conveys a sense of modernity and professionalism, ideal for businesses and applications that focus on technological and scientific progress. The name “Mutation” suggests transformation and evolution, enhancing brand credibility.
Secure for $999 and leverage its premium status to create a standout online presence with a unique, professional domain name that emphasizes innovation, transformation, and technological advancement.

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